Metal studs provide disaster-resistance and are not prone to termite or mold damage, like wood studs. Metal studs are also healthier than wood studs because metal does not emit VOCs.
There are several reasons steel studs are preferred in a commercial setting. Metal is lighter than wood and takes up half the space of lumber due to its hollowed shape. This makes it easier to transport and store. Metal studs can also be cut with aviation snips, which means no sawdust.
Steel framing is easier to handle because they weigh 1/3 less than wood and can be installed at 24 inches on center.
Metal is immune to moisture and will not twist or warp because of mold growth or rot.
CFS (cold formed steel) is very durable, thus ideal for construction in high-wind and seismic zones.
Carpenter ants and termites can severely damage wood construction, but they steer clear of metal. Likewise, wood burns much more easily than metal. A wall built with metal studs in virtually fireproof.
Although steel studs cost slightly more than wood studs, there are cost advantages to look at. Warranty callbacks are mimimized because steel doesn’t split, shrink, or warp. As a result, there are no nail pops or drywall cracks to fix after the structure is completed. Scrap is drastically reduced because the quality between steel studs is very consistent. You may even get a discount on insurance for steel framed structures.